Paying Too Much At The Pump?
Budgets Rise & Fall With Fuel Prices - Take Back Control NOW - Save Thousands With Your FREE Guide To Biodiesel Production

Audio FAQ
Session One:
- Our Story
- Why the squeeze at the pump?
- Diesel drives our economy
- A trillion gallons a year ready
- Diesel processor test results
- You save $400 per 100 Gallons
Session Two:
- Federal tax breaks
- Local regulations
- 80 cents a gallon
- Green bi-products
Session Three:
- Custom units
- Which oils to avoid
- Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel
- Small Companies Big Things
Frequently Asked Questions about Biodiesel
Why are there "contains biodiesel" labels on fuel pumps?
On July 1, a new state law goes into effect that requires all pumps selling B6 to B20 biodiesel blends to be labeled.
What is B11?
B11 (11% biodiesel, 89% petroleum diesel) is the most commonly used blend, because state legislature created tax benefits for those who sell and use biodiesel blends above 10%. B11 offers comparable cost to #2 diesel fuel and increased benefits for consumers.
Where's biodiesel made?
Biodiesel is a fuel made from any vegetable oil or animal fat that goes through a refinery process called transesterification. The most commonly used feedstock in the United States is soybean oil. Because biodiesel is made from American-grown feed stocks, every gallon of biodiesel purchased helps move the U.S. closer to energy independence.
How is biodiesel renewable?
Biodiesel is made from renewable feed stocks that are grown every year in the U.S. Unlike petroleum diesel made from earth's steadily depleting fossil fuel resources, we can continue to raise more feedstock's for biodiesel.
Is biodiesel good for the environment?
Biodiesel is the only alternative fuel to have fully completed the health effects testing requirements of the Clean Air Act. The use of biodiesel in a conventional diesel engine results in substantial reduction of unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and particulate matter compared to emissions from diesel fuel. In addition, the exhaust emissions of sulfur oxides and sulfates (major components of acid rain) from biodiesel are essentially eliminated compared to diesel.
Does biodiesel perform as well as diesel?
Yes. Biodiesel can be used in existing engines and fuel injection equipment. It has a higher cetane number than diesel fuel. Biodiesel also has superior lubricity and has the highest BTU content of any alternative fuel (B11 is comparable to #2 diesel fuel).
Does using biodiesel put an engine warranty at risk?
No. Engine manufacturers warrant engines. Biodiesel is treated the same as any fuel you would use in your engine. Our biodiesel processors produce ASTM spec commercial grade fuel.
Does biodiesel clog fuel filters?
Biodiesel acts as a solvent, removing petroleum buildup and cleaning fuel injectors, fuel lines, tanks and delivery systems over time. When first using biodiesel, you may need to change filters more frequently until the whole system has been cleaned of the deposits left by the petrodiesel. The same phenomenon has been observed when switching from #2 to #1 petrodiesel. With petroleum buildup eliminated, performance is enhanced.
Does biodiesel provide as much power as diesel?
Yes. Biodiesel offers enhanced power from higher cetane, plus improved lubricity for less engine wear and tear. One of the major advantages of biodiesel is the fact that it can be used in existing engines and fuel injection equipment with little impact on operating performance. In more than 1.5 billion on-road miles and countless marine and off-road applications, biodiesel shows similar fuel consumption, horsepower, torque and haulage rates to conventional diesel fuel.
Is biodiesel easy to find?
Yes, look for the biodiesel label on fuel pumps. There are many fuel stations in 49 states sell biodiesel.
Does biodiesel have as much sulfur as petroleum diesel?
Biodiesel contains no sulfur. In fact, it is an excellent lubricant and can be blended with petroleum diesel to restore the lubricating properties petrodiesel loses when sulfur is removed.
Do I have to modify my engine to use biodiesel?
Any vehicle that operates on diesel fuel can switch to biodiesel without engine modifications. Many municipal and school fleets are using biodiesel blends to improve air quality and reduce emissions. In fact, more than 1,000 major fleets in the U.S. run on biodiesel!
Does biodiesel have an ASTM standard?
Biodiesel has a full ASTM standard. The American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM)—the premier standard-setting organization in the United States—issued Specification D 6751 for all biodiesel fuel bought and sold in the U.S.